Gulf Shores

Gulf Shores
Photographer Patricia Gulick

Sunday, June 29, 2014

12-14-13 RMB Imagination

12-14-13 RMB Imagination

Dear Rita Mae Brown,
Today is Saturday, which allowed me some free time to try on clothing that almost fits. This ritual encourages getting into shape. I want to get into the shape that would fit in those pants. Sometimes it is easier to take a very specific goal and aim for it, knowing that it will accomplish so many others. To lose weight, to be healthier, to eat better, numerous goals will be accomplished, when I can fit into those pants.

Mid-day was spent reading tarot cards with Maria. We discover ourselves and our paths in a variety of ways, by the goals we set and the directions that pull on our hearts, in play and in work. When we stop to say “this feels good” or acknowledge “wow, I am enjoying this”, we see a side of ourselves that sometimes surprises or enlightens us.

Tarot cards can be a form of play or prayer. I look at them as both. Reading cards is a way of looking inside and all around to see where we are and where we could be headed. It is more about the feeling inside than the cards themselves, but the cards make it a fun experience, with images that awaken the imagination.

I start with the Our Father prayer, remove myself, my own judgments, fears, and preconceptions, to make way for possibilities, for the voice of spirit, the greater good and whatever blessings may come. As we seek we find. When one looks for a path of goodness, it will appear. After reading her cards and mine, we walk away with a bit more clarity that when we sat down.

Later in the evening, I sat with the youngest nephew to make snowflakes, trimming folded triangles and taping the results on walls and furniture around the house. In our winter wonderland, it can snow even in sunny southern California. Imagination makes it so.

Warm wishes,


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