Gulf Shores

Gulf Shores
Photographer Patricia Gulick

Saturday, April 30, 2016

4/30/16 RMB Ordinary Moments?

4/30/16 RMB Ordinary Moments?

Dear Rita Mae Brown,

April showers glide us into May. The month flew by with ups and downs that drove me to the library for a copy of Way of the Peaceful Warrior, a book that has been on “my list” for years.

After one particularly hectic day, Teddy asked, “Have you read…” and so now I am reading it.

“There are no ordinary moments.” I like that line in particular.

Still reading, still learning,

Monday, April 11, 2016

4/11/16 RMB Saying “When”

4/11/16 RMB Saying “When”

Dear Rita Mae Brown,

I’ve been wondering lately about when you say “when”. You know how people will pour your drink and instruct you to say “when”. Inevitably someone will respond “When” once the liquid has reached the optimal level.

Here we are in the midst of candidates, spewing demands and pompous statements, touting violence and discrimination.

Where’s the tipping point? When do we say “when”? When is enough ENOUGH ALREADY?

There were those in the 1930’s who warned against Hitler’s politics. But it wasn’t enough to turn the tide. People heard what they wanted to hear, until the truth could no longer be denied. How can we have learned so little in eight decades of aftermath?

If words are damning to one, they are damning to all.
