4/3/14 RMB Time
Dear Rita Mae Brown,
I noticed that on April 1st you were
the featured speaker at a fundraiser for the Virginia Commonwealth University
called the Monroe Scholars Book and Author Luncheon. Nice. Your continued
participation in your community and various causes is noble and appreciated.
Tonight our Writer’s Circle met. We toss out
topics and do ten minute writings on the agreed upon topic or whatever comes to
mind when pen touches down on paper. Tonight the topic was Time…write anything
you want about time in ten minutes or less. I’ll share my Ten Minute writing of
Time with you below your letter.
Best of times to you,
“Time to get ready for school.” Mom said.
“Time’s up” the host of the game informed all contestants.
Time marches on and in our tomorrow we will find the fruits
of what we have planted today. Time is neither friend nor foe. It asks nothing
and gives nothing. Everyone has all they need, yet often complain there is not
enough. Some try to hold on to it, to shape it, stretch it or expand it. Yet it
marches on in equal measure, showing no preference and no prejudice.
It is not strong nor weak, it is deliberate and all
encompassing, leaving no stone unturned, no life left unlived.
It is a tool to be polished and cared for, so that one might
look at the time spent and consider it spent well, that we may take joy in the
result of times past and look forward to the future shaped by the time in which
we now stand.
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