3/10/14 RMB Light Words
Dear Rita Mae Brown,
The adage goes “The pen is mightier than the
sword.” Yet, the two share common ground. The sword’s power lay in the
composition of its blade and the force of its blow. Resting in a sheath, it
remains dormant. It takes the human force of emotional engagement to awaken its
Words, like a scrap of metal, lay in wait to
be orchestrated and honed. Set maliciously one after another, they can destroy
as easily as any weapon. However, what extends words their might, is their
ability to build, to raise and enable.
A sword, held in one hand, does not
strengthen the hand of another. While words spoken from one heart to another
can do immeasurable good.
Yesterday my wise friend
Teddy Tapscott wrote to me, “You are so much more than you allow yourself to
be. Let your Light shine.”
Beside myself and feeling inadequate to the
challenges in my life, I asked for clarification. To which she added. “The
Light that shines in you is not because of what you do or don't do, it's who
you are”
Empowering words spoken from her heart to
mine and shared with you and whoever may visit us here…
“Let your Light shine. The Light that shines
in you is not because of what you do or don’t do, it’s who you are.”
It is who you are.
Shine on,
PS. I was so tempted to address this letter
Dear Grasshopper.
(A reference to the David Carradine Kung Fu series)