4/19/15 RMB Sunday Reading
Dear Rita Mae Brown,
Today is a Sunday, a day of rest, reflection, planning and
dawdling, mostly dawdling. I just looked up the next Rita Mae Brown book in
line for me to read, chronologically speaking. It will be Riding Shotgun. The description
says it contains Virginia, a fox hunt, a woman and time travel…interesting. I
am looking forward to it. Murder She Meowed is nearing a conclusion
as the mystery unfolds.
RMB books ride with me in my car, friends at the ready to
keep me company in stolen moments and during planned retreats. Whether I am
waiting in line at the bank or taking a lunch break, one of your books is
always nearby.
Other books intermingle, such as The Four-Fold Way by
Angeles Arrien, PH. D., recommended to me by Teddy Tapscott. From Arrien’s
research, she elaborates on the four archetypes that virtually all shamanic
traditions draw on to live in harmony and balance: the Warrior; the Healer; the
Visionary; the Teacher.
She addresses the Warrior first and starts by detailing
the importance of showing up and being present, good communication,
responsibility and discipline, then states: “The most important aspects of the
Warrior is the ability to extend honor and respect.” I like this book. I’m
learning a depth, appreciation and ways of strengthening valuable aspects of
Another recent read, is Billy Crystal’s Still Foolin’ ‘Em: Where I’ve
Been, Where I’m Going, and Where the Hell Are My Keys? As a college
kid, he was refused service in a diner because his Star of David necklace was
showing, revealing him Jewish. Years later, when Mohamad Ali invited him to
play golf at a country club, Billy informed him that he could not join him, due
to the country club’s rules. After learning of their policy, Ali refused to
play there too.
Billy mentioned, but didn’t lament these events. They struck
me. Perhaps that he didn’t harp on them, made them all the more impactful. How
easily he got up and walked out of that diner, how casually he declined an
invitation to golf at a restricted club. Some evils insidiously damage society
While reviewing The Four-Fold Way with my nephew
trio, our insightful eleven year old asked, “What if you don’t know if the
person is a good person or a bad person?” Acknowledging his awareness, we
discussed those in history that gathered followers and led them to their
In words, spoken, written, and shared, there are answers.
Words reveal who we are. And here is an interesting point, a multitude of
people will read Billy’s book, as the country club and diner, dim in obscurity,
he shines on.
Enjoying books,