Gulf Shores

Gulf Shores
Photographer Patricia Gulick

Monday, May 23, 2016

5/23/16 RMB Write. Blossom.

5/23/16 RMB Write. Blossom.

Dear Rita Mae Brown,
Somehow I’ve found myself at a loss for words, letter-less days have passed. I actually sat down to write the other day and this is how far I got:

5/18/16 Write.

Yep, that’s it. As a matter of fact, it didn’t even have the period after it. I just added that. It seemed fitting. Although, perhaps it should say “Write Period”.

And now I’m editing my work consisting of only one word. At least the content doubled.

Days have passed during which magical wet stuff has dropped from the sky and blessed the California lands, politicians have been politicking, and life continues in all its glory. There is a wealth to rave about, so much to be enjoyed and criticized.

But, can words decrease the noise? Encourage those, so caught up in their own voice, to listen? Reveal life’s glory? Hmm.

The eldest of my nephew trio is knee deep in teen years. After a particularly bad morning with the mom’s, we sat at a New Olean’s cafĂ© smack in the middle of Spring Valley, California.

“Look at the flowering plants around us.” I said. “We can learn from them. They made it through the drought. After all those dry days of doing anything they could to hold on.” I made fists with both hands and held my arms close to my body, scrunched up, huddled against the elements. 

“Look what happened.” I opened up my arms and lifted my head. “They are making flowers. They are so happy, their showing off all their colors.”

“I know it's tough being a teen. But one of these days. That will be you.” He seemed to lighten up. “You got this. You can do this. Go make a flower.”

Last week, on his own, he cleaned his room. A milestone. It looks good. His flower has very cool colors.

We, as in all of us, we got this. We can do this. Together we can make some awesome flowers.


PS. A synonym for “blossom” is “mature” for plants, maybe for people too.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

5/14/16 RMB Thoroughly Modern Millie

5/14/16 RMB Thoroughly Modern Millie

Dear Rita Mae Brown,
It is a cool spring day in the San Diego area. I took a break from my should-do’s and need-to-do’s to spend the morning with Julie Andrews in Thoroughly Modern Millie. It’s a wonderful film.

She is a superb actress, but more than that, a fine person. Talent will get you far, innate goodness will take you further. Her sense of humor, her desire to connect with and entertain her audience, traveled time and space, over decades, to reach me today.

In all we do, the doing part is major, granted. However the way we do what we do, the motivation behind our actions, the heart’s intentions, ah there is the driving force.

Julie Andrews’ heart shines brightly in her work. I highly recommend her book Home: A Memoir of my Early Years. This book is more than one person’s story. It is a history that we all share, if only in the receiving end of her smile. One element that took me by surprise was her experiences as a child during World War II. It makes her performance in the Sound of Music all the more touching.

Enjoying another’s gift,

Monday, May 2, 2016

5/2/16 RMB August McLaughlin BOAW (Beauty of a Woman) Blogfest

5/2/16 RMB August McLaughlin BOAW (Beauty of a Woman) Blogfest

Dear Rita Mae Brown,
It is time for the Beauty of a Woman Blogfest V. In its fifth year of existence bloggers join to celebrate, consider and enlighten us about the beauty of a woman. Here is my contribution.

We are empowered by beauty, in possessing it and in judging it. Beauty, being subjective, allows any individual the right to decide where beauty is found. I pose that we are all the worse for that allowance.

There is an element of all things, each moment, everyplace, and people too, that offers itself and in the offering reveals a beauty, a wonderfulness.

As we pass one another in our life’s journey, how far are we from judging the beauty of each other, to finding the beauty in everyone, and in ourselves?

A woman’s true beauty lies within, in the tone of her voice, the gentleness of her touch, and the potential of her spirit. It glows, casting its light on her life and her corner of the universe.

One must be bold to put judgement aside and look through the heart’s lens. The power in beauty judged is meager in comparison to the power of beauty recognized.

May we all be so bold,