Gulf Shores

Gulf Shores
Photographer Patricia Gulick

Sunday, March 19, 2017

3/11/17 RMB Let Humanity Win

3/11/17 RMB Let Humanity Win

Dear Rita Mae Brown,
Today I saw a Facebook post on the internet. I’m not sure who the original author was, but it includes a wish that the words be shared. And I feel they are important words, good words to share. Here they are.

"For all of you who aren't sure, it is possible to be gay and Christian. It's also possible to believe in God and science. It is possible to be pro-choice and anti-abortion.

It is equally possible to be a feminist and love and respect men. It's possible to have privilege and be discriminated against, to be poor and have a rich life, to not have a job and still have money. It is possible to be anti-guns and still believe in one's right to defend one's self, family, and property, it's possible to be anti-war and pro-military.

It is possible to love thy neighbor and despise his actions. It is possible to advocate Black Lives Matter and still be pro police. It is possible to not have an education and be brilliant. It is possible to be Muslim and also suffer at the hands of terrorists. It is possible to be a non-American fighting for the American dream.

It is possible to be different and the same.

We are all walking contradictions of what "normal" looks like. Let humanity and love win."
(The author is encouraging copy/paste if you like. If you share, only our mutual friends will see the post.)

To whoever wrote this I thank you for your words and for allowing us to share them in our corner of the world. 

May Humanity Win,

Thursday, March 9, 2017

3/9/17 RMB Shining Brightly

3/9/17  RMB Shining Brightly

Dear Rita Mae Brown,
The Sun is shining bright in San Diego, our little corner of Southern California and it feels like something worth celebrating!

A dear friend who has endured multiple hip and leg surgeries marches out with her walker to once again begin rebuilding her strength, defying age and pain to do so. In a recent message, before dawn one morning, she said she was heading out to take her walk and “help the sun rise.”

Having been one to share many a conversation with my friend the Sun, I know the assistance and appreciation for our daily light is well noted. We can all use a little help now and then, the Sun included.

I hope the Sun is shining brightly on this spring day for you too.
