1/24/15 RMB Returning “hello”
Dear Rita Mae Brown,
“If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything
at all.” Many days slip by without written words of fiction or in RMB letters.
I found I was focusing, as people often do, on the negative. An injustice here
or there sparked me to step up on my soapbox, to point out a positive or send
out a wish for something better.
As I eased on the brake, I came to ponder, what did I miss?
Were the sunrises not spectacular enough to bear witness? Must the drive of human nature wrestle with
something in order to find value in anything? What of the treasures that lay
before us in plain site? Does the ease with which they appear dull their magnificence?
Today the sun rose, silently lighting our day, awakening eyes
to color and minds to activity. My old friend greeted me gently. And, for once,
I noticed enough to return the “hello”.
Today, the words flow with appreciation for the wonders that
surround us. Humbly recognizing the power in that ability, I give special thanks
to my friend for the reminder and, of course, for lighting my day.
May the sun shine upon you,